Filter Coffee

It's not Coffee it's Kappi

We kept telling you about drinks that cool your body down, so we decided to come up with a drink that cools down your mind and soul. The famous South Indian Filter Coffee.

Total Preparation Time - 20 mins - Serves -1


Filter Coffee Powder - 1.5tbsp

Water - 1/2 cup (hot)

Milk - 1/2 cup

Sugar - 2tbsp (as per taste)

How to Brew?

  1. We have to start with the decoction first. Take the coffee filter (use traditional one for authentic experience) and add the coffee powder to it and spread it evenly in the filter. Now add hot water to it and collect the decoction in the bottom jar.
  2. Now take a saucepan and bring the milk to boil. Use full cream milk for better taste. Add sugar to the boiling milk. Bring down the milk once it is boiled.
  3. Now take a glass and pour the decoction into the cup. Now add the boiled milk to the decoction and stir it well. Use the traditional cup and saucer for mixing them perfectly.
  4. Stir the decoction right before you drink for the fresh taste. don't forget to enjoy the aroma before sipping.

Happy Cooking Chefs!!!
Bon Appetite!!!
